Let us sing songs of princely praise and let us sing out loud, Let us sing volleys of madrigals, avenues of anthems, Clutches of canticles, springs of psalms For those whose hearts pump the lifeblood of sound Through existence’s arteries. Yes, let us sing to them. A miracle of song be yours, JSB, polyphonist, And for you, Ludwig, at two hundred, Gloria! For Wolfgang Amadeus, may eternal ecstasy be yours. But let us not forget Mynheer Domine, the lads of Weimar, Felix and César, Franz Peter, young Claude and all: For them let us sing multitudinous songs of princely praise! Yes, let us sing out loud! The Acknowledgement: We came giving of our best And now ask only rest, Our task of beauty is now past, One wonders whether it will last Since man cannot desist will not resist his exploitation his execration of civilisation. We say: ‘Sing and sing again.’ (Gloria)